NewsRDT pedalea por el Alzheimer en la Titan Desert 2022

May 2022 will be remembered for the participation of 4 of our colleagues in the Titan Desert  extreme cycling race. Albert Roda, Christian Garcia, Eloi Valenzuela and Tristam Knoph took part  in the competition under the slogan #PEDALEANDOxALZHEIMER, in order to raise awareness about Alzheimer’s disease and the need to train memory throughout life to preserve cognitive health and prevent this type of neurodegenerative diseases.

For 7 days they cycled through the desert of Morocco along more than 600 km and almost 6,000 m of accumulated altitude. A not inconsiderable feat due to the psychological difficulty, the hardness of the terrain and the need for navigation and orientation skills, as well as physical preparation.

The initiative has raised an amount of 4,950 euros, exceeding expectations, and have been donated to the Rosa M. Vivar Foundation to contribute with their ongoing projects related to Alzheimer’s and cognitive health.

If you want to know more about this adventure, you can visit the media coverage:


– Press:

Diari de Tarragona: Pedaleando por el Alzheimer (

La Fosbury: Dues maneres de guanyar al mig del desert | Fosbury

Reus digital: Un equip ciclista farà la Titan Desert per recaptar fons per a la Fundació Rosa M. Vivar | ReusDigital

La Guía de Reus: Iniciativa solidària esportiva a la Titan Desert 2022 | La Guia De Reus


– TV:

TV3:(50′) Telenotícies – Kelámetro Solidario, l’equip navarrès de la Titan Desert amb un objectiu prioritari: lluitar contra l’ELA (

Béteve: Córrer la Titan Desert per un somni esportiu i per una causa solidària (

Reus TV:(13′)  (1002) 371. Va com va: La cursa de les dones, Titan desert i les jornades de pedagogia i salut – YouTube

Reus TV: Travessar el desert del Marroc per l’Alzheimer | Canal Reus TV


– Social Media and Sponsors: 

Fundación Rosa María Vivar: Pedalejant x Alzheimer a la TITAN DESERT – Fundación Rosa Maria Vivar (Alzheimer Reus i Camp de Tarragona) (

Dental Residency: Pedaleando juntos contra el Alzheimer en la Titan Desert 2022 – Dental Residency
