Certiorem joins the RDT Group as a center of excellence in the field of advanced software engineering services and solutions

The RDT Engineers Group, a leading engineering and technology services organization, has reached an agreement with the company Certiorem for its incorporation into the group as a center of excellence in advanced technological services and solutions for software engineering and applications. This creates in Euskadi a reference pole for projects and solutions for industry 4.0.…


RDT Ingenieros acquires Simulaciones y Proyectos

RDT Ingenieros has bought Simulaciones y Proyectos (https://www.simulacionesyproyectos.com/), thus incorporating possibly the most important fluid dynamic calculation engineering in Spain. Simulaciones y Proyectos not only has a human team with more than 15 years of experience in thermal calculations and CFD fluids, and with important clients both in Spain and internationally. It is also the…


INTENANCE (RDT Company) purchases 100% of Movalclima

Intenance, the maintenance engineering company of the RDT Group, has bought the company Movalclima (www.movalgroup.com), thus incorporating important industrial companies with long-term maintenance contracts into its client portfolio.   This acquisition also means the gain of a multidisciplinary human team with extensive experience in the industrial refrigeration sector with more than 18 years of experience.…


RDT pedals for Alzheimer’s at Titan Desert 2022

May 2022 will be remembered for the participation of 4 of our colleagues in the Titan Desert  extreme cycling race. Albert Roda, Christian Garcia, Eloi Valenzuela and Tristam Knoph took part  in the competition under the slogan #PEDALEANDOxALZHEIMER, in order to raise awareness about Alzheimer’s disease and the need to train memory throughout life to…


RDT Studio and Espacio BIM reach a collaboration agreement to incorporate talent

RDT Studio – RDT group’s lighting, BIM and design consulting company- seeks to expand its team in its Pamplona division. To this end, it has reached a collaboration agreement with Espacio BIM, an international company of training and professional services for architecture, engineering and construction, specialized in BIM and Virtual, Augmented and Mixed Reality. Through…


RDT consolidates a new automotive centre in Barcelona

RDT, the Spanish multinational technology company consolidates a new engineering and development centre for the automotive sector in Abrera (Barcelona). The new offices and technical facilities with more than 1,200 square meters will allocate almost 90 engineers and specialist for tests, software development & validations and vehicle instrumentation. Our CEO, Benjamin Rosende, has emphasized that…


The Walk On Project

One more year we are ready for V ESTROPATADA DE PATOS DE GOMA on June 18th in Bilbao. It will start around 13:30 hours on the Bridge of Deusto. The WOPatos will reach goal at the Euskalduna Bridge with a big finish party. The charity part of this Foundation the Walk on Project (WOP) is…


RDT Barcelona in the AEQT

The AEQT has signed a collaboration agreement with RDT Ingenieros whereby the company, expert in engineering projects, becomes part of the Business Partners  group within the association. RDT Ingenieros is an organization focused on the development of engineering projects by customized advice and engineering solutions, aiming to maximize the efficiency and competitiveness of its clients.…
