
RDT Ingenieros compra del 100% de la compañía Simulaciones y Proyectos

RDT Ingenieros acquires Simulaciones y Proyectos

RDT Ingenieros has bought Simulaciones y Proyectos (, thus incorporating possibly the most important fluid dynamic calculation engineering in Spain. Simulaciones y Proyectos not only has a human team with more than 15 years of experience in thermal calculations and CFD fluids, and with important clients both in Spain and internationally. It is also the company that distributes and provides technical support, advanced training and custom developments of simulation software products for companies such as Flow Science (FLOW-3D®, FLOW-3D CAST®, FLOW-3D HYDRO®, FLOW-3D AM®, FLOW-3D X ®), Engys (HELYX®), and SIMCON (CADMOULD®, Varimos®). Simulaciones y Proyectos will be integrated into the subsidiary RDT Ingenieros Madrid and from there will lead the CFD and FEM center of excellence for the entire RDT Group, forming and developing methodologies and closed projects for all the group’s offices. Their expertise areas are: Manufacturing processes simulations: metal fencing, plastic injection, additive manufacturing, laser welding. Simulations in the industrial sector in general: aerodynamics and HVAC for automotive/aerospace, valves, industrial processes, refrigeration, Oil & Gas, energy. Simulations in the building sector: energy, interior and exterior comfort, enclosures, HVAC, fire. Simulations in the civil engineering sector: structure and hydraulic equipment, offshore, maritime, naval. All these capabilities will be added to the RDT teams with extensive experience in calculation in different sectors such as Wind, Railway, Aeronautical and Industrial. Between both companies they will have a computing cluster with great calculation power which will allow simulations in very short times.   [dt_quote type=”blockquote” font_size=”big” animation=”none” background=”plain”]”Our customers are increasingly asking us for more efficient solutions, with simulations capable of calculating their most complex processes and in a shorter period of time. With the integration of Simulaciones y Proyectos we incorporate a first-class human team and work methodologies that will undoubtedly provide smarter and more efficient ways of engineering.”[/dt_quote]   RDT Engineers ended 2021 with a turnover close to 70 million euros in services and almost 1,300 engineers on staff in multiple countries. You can read the full press release here. From RDT we want to welcome the entire Simulaciones y Proyectos team.

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INTENANCE (RDT Company) compra del 100% de la compañía Movalclima

INTENANCE (RDT Company) purchases 100% of Movalclima

Intenance, the maintenance engineering company of the RDT Group, has bought the company Movalclima (, thus incorporating important industrial companies with long-term maintenance contracts into its client portfolio.   This acquisition also means the gain of a multidisciplinary human team with extensive experience in the industrial refrigeration sector with more than 18 years of experience. In addition, the company has agreed to use the new facilities for a period of 5 years. With this purchase Intenance completes, together with VASA, the HVAC Engineering and Maintenance division, reaching a level of capacity and excellence in the maintenance of critical assets, positioning itself as a reference in Maintenance Engineering in the private industry.   [dt_quote type=”blockquote” font_size=”big” animation=”none” background=”plain”]“Our clients are increasingly aware of the importance of good maintenance and its impact on the income statement of their companies. If we add to this the importance of industrial cooling in critical industrial processes, in energy saving, these activities are key to the development of our company”.[/dt_quote]   Intenance expects this year to exceed 15 million Euros in services turnover and to grow its staff up to 300 people between engineers and maintenance technicians, positioning itself as the reference technology company in industrial maintenance. From RDT we want to welcome the entire Movalclima team.  

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RDT pedals for Alzheimer's at Titan Desert 2022

May 2022 will be remembered for the participation of 4 of our colleagues in the Titan Desert  extreme cycling race. Albert Roda, Christian Garcia, Eloi Valenzuela and Tristam Knoph took part  in the competition under the slogan #PEDALEANDOxALZHEIMER, in order to raise awareness about Alzheimer’s disease and the need to train memory throughout life to preserve cognitive health and prevent this type of neurodegenerative diseases. For 7 days they cycled through the desert of Morocco along more than 600 km and almost 6,000 m of accumulated altitude. A not inconsiderable feat due to the psychological difficulty, the hardness of the terrain and the need for navigation and orientation skills, as well as physical preparation. The initiative has raised an amount of 4,950 euros, exceeding expectations, and have been donated to the Rosa M. Vivar Foundation to contribute with their ongoing projects related to Alzheimer’s and cognitive health. If you want to know more about this adventure, you can visit the media coverage:   – Press: Diari de Tarragona: Pedaleando por el Alzheimer ( La Fosbury: Dues maneres de guanyar al mig del desert | Fosbury Reus digital: Un equip ciclista farà la Titan Desert per recaptar fons per a la Fundació Rosa M. Vivar | ReusDigital La Guía de Reus: Iniciativa solidària esportiva a la Titan Desert 2022 | La Guia De Reus   – TV: TV3:(50′) Telenotícies – Kelámetro Solidario, l’equip navarrès de la Titan Desert amb un objectiu prioritari: lluitar contra l’ELA ( Béteve: Córrer la Titan Desert per un somni esportiu i per una causa solidària ( Reus TV:(13′)  (1002) 371. Va com va: La cursa de les dones, Titan desert i les jornades de pedagogia i salut – YouTube Reus TV: Travessar el desert del Marroc per l’Alzheimer | Canal Reus TV   – Social Media and Sponsors:  Fundación Rosa María Vivar: Pedalejant x Alzheimer a la TITAN DESERT – Fundación Rosa Maria Vivar (Alzheimer Reus i Camp de Tarragona) ( Dental Residency: Pedaleando juntos contra el Alzheimer en la Titan Desert 2022 – Dental Residency Instagram

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RDT Studio and Espacio BIM reach a collaboration agreement to incorporate talent

RDT Studio and Espacio BIM reach a collaboration agreement to incorporate talent

RDT Studio – RDT group’s lighting, BIM and design consulting company- seeks to expand its team in its Pamplona division. To this end, it has reached a collaboration agreement with Espacio BIM, an international company of training and professional services for architecture, engineering and construction, specialized in BIM and Virtual, Augmented and Mixed Reality. Through this alliance, RDT Studio will facilitate the incorporation of new profiles with training in BIM, in positions from project coordinators to modelers. To do this, they will collaborate with this Navarra-based company that, since 2015, has trained almost 50,000 students from countries such as Spain, Peru, Argentina, Bolivia, Honduras, France, Australia, Switzerland, Italy or Singapore, among others. If you want to know more about the projects we carry out from RDT Studio, visit our website. And if you are passionate and want to work on projects with BIM methodology and or become BIM Manager, Project Manager or BIM Coordinator, the Espacio BIM’s International BIM Manager Master (+VR) can open the doors for you.

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RDT Group acquires Ekisei to offer new services based on 3D technology, drones and BIM modelling

RDT Group acquires Ekisei to offer new services based on 3D technology, drones and BIM modelling

RDT ends 2021 with the acquisition of Ekisei, a technology company specialized in services to Architecture Firms and Engineering and Construction Companies. With more than 18 years of experience, Ekisei joins the RDT family to contribute with its knowledge in 3D technology. RDT will offer its customers state-of-the-art solutions such as 3D topographic studies through mobile mapping, modelling and parameterization of industrial facilities, 3D printing, etc. Thanks to their experience with drones, we will offer our customers remote structural and industrial inspection and maintenance services that will help them minimize risks and costs. RDT will also provide photogrammetry, high resolution photography and aerial filming services, livestock, and farms control… The State Aviation Safety Agency (AESA) authorization for the professional operation of drones guarantees the safety of all operations. In the field of construction, RDT will offer Ekisei’s expertise in Building Information Modeling (BIM). This way, our clients will be able to increase efficiency, productivity and profitability in their building ventures, whether in civil engineering and/or industrial projects, architectural heritage, building refurbishment… Welcome to RDT!

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RDT consolidates a new automotive centre in Barcelona

RDT consolidates a new automotive centre in Barcelona

RDT, the Spanish multinational technology company consolidates a new engineering and development centre for the automotive sector in Abrera (Barcelona). The new offices and technical facilities with more than 1,200 square meters will allocate almost 90 engineers and specialist for tests, software development & validations and vehicle instrumentation. Our CEO, Benjamin Rosende, has emphasized that the capabilities in this new centre “will allow us to continue growing with customers, assuming assignments in new emerging areas of greater technological complexity. This will also allow us the opportunity to offer our engineers more options in their career development”.

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Opening of the hospital in Tshongokwe

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Giving back to the community is at the core of what we do here at RDT. So, we are so excited to see the pictures of the opening of the hospital in Tshongokwe (Zimbabwe)! We are so proud of Judit Peño Martínez, Rocío Pascual Pérez and all RDT volunteers for their courage and personal effort collaborating in the construction.And thank you again to all the RDT offices for providing portable computers for hospital management as well as donations made for medical equipment. What we started by designing in RDT… has become a reality now. Congratulations to all!!  [/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_video link=”″][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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RDT Barcelona in the AEQT

The AEQT has signed a collaboration agreement with RDT Ingenieros whereby the company, expert in engineering projects, becomes part of the Business Partners  group within the association. RDT Ingenieros is an organization focused on the development of engineering projects by customized advice and engineering solutions, aiming to maximize the efficiency and competitiveness of its clients. Another of the objectives of the company is the motivation and training of its staff, a key point in achieving company goals. The agreement has been signed by the AEQT General Manager, Teresa Pallarès and Sergio Mompó, RDT Barcelona Manager .

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Intenance, RDT Maintenance Company, buys VASA

According our big projects and growth of RDT Group, we have buy the company VASA. VASA is a company that provides Engineering, Consulting, Installation and Integral Maintenance services in air conditioning for Industrial and Facilities environment. Founded in 1981 in Bizkaia which has a long experience giving high level support to companies like ITP (now Rolls Royce) or buildings like Arriaga Theatre. With VASA, we will increase our capacities in engineering and we will incorporate almost 100 new maintenance contracts of technical installations.

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RDT buys Lumiker

According our big projects and growth of RDT Group, we have buy the 70% of Lumiker Aplicaciones Tecnológicas,S.L. The rest of the shares will continue in the founders hands and they will continue working for the company. LUMIKER, technologic based company based in Parque Técnologico of Bizkaia, was created in 2010 with the mission to develop disruptive sensoric applications for the following sectors: utilities, aeronautic, wind turbines and civil projects. In those projects, they are combining: optical knowledge, new materials, hardware and software obtaining solutions never imagine before with a lot of value added for this sectors. Until the moment their catalog of products are focusing in disruptive solutions to control the performance of assents (transformers, aero wings, wind blades, civil foundations, big petrochemical installations…) in different aspects like electric measures, movements, vibrations, forces, temperatures, verticality,… RDT will be also involved in biotechnological sector because in this agreement, Lumiker has closed a 5 years agreement of exclusivity for technical assistance in Engineering with a big customer.

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