Comprehensive solution for extending the lifespan of wind turbine structures through real-time monitoring with advanced artificial intelligence and drones equipped with augmented reality vision.

Funding Program: ZL-2023/00616

Analyzing the potential extension of the lifespan of wind turbines and providing advancements in their structural maintenance.



ERROTAID proposes a comprehensive solution to extend the lifespan of wind turbine structures. This involves real-time monitoring using advanced artificial intelligence and drones equipped with augmented reality vision.

Saitec, in line with its innovation objective, leads this technological initiative, with the participation of IDK Elektronika, RDT Ingenieros, and Tecnalia Research and Innovation.

First-generation wind turbines are reaching the end of their operational life. In the coming years, many wind farms will need to choose between extending the lifespan of their assets or carrying out repowering to replace old turbines with newer ones.

ERROTAID aims to analyze the feasibility of extending the lifespan of existing structures and establish a new framework for advanced structural maintenance for the new units. This will be achieved through real-time knowledge of the structural behavior of the wind towers, controlling potential issues with advanced artificial intelligence techniques, and conducting inspections with specifically designed drones equipped with augmented reality and machine learning tools.

This project has received financial support from the budget of the Department of Economic Development and Infrastructure of the Basque Government and the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).

FEDER - Gobierno Vasco